Digital Eco-Systems
AI Infused Tools
Digital Transformation Strategies
Business Philosophy
We employ a collaborative outsourcing model that works with the top technology and business minds in our marketplace and beyond.
We are more built as a consortium than a company, leveraging the strength of our industry partners and connecting all specializations into a Digital Eco-System.
Much of the prevalent stagnation comes from siloed systems, that don't speak to each other, or systems that create a dependency, yet lack connectivity and the flow of data from other platforms.
Escalating Costs
By simplifying processes and reducing redundancy we can reduce costs dramatically, so we can create more affordable solutions. A key area we focus on is RPA (Robotic Process Automation)
Digital Literacy
Many legacy companies are not keep pace with the advancements in technology and don't know where to start with their upskilling. We identify key areas and focus on digital mindset and focus on the 30% that you need to know.
Acceleration of Innovation
It is extremely hard to keep up with the pace of change and companies can no longer be laggards in adoption of new technology, so the systems we build are plug and play systems, and replacing a technology with another will be easy to accomadate.
Digitalization Education
At RCTBuilt it's not that we have all the answers to this surge in the acceleration of innovation, but we have a network of specialized knowledge that helps us navigate this seemingly overwhelming phenomenon. We can help to discover the: The why it is happening and what steps are required to try and keep pace
We are the stewards of future generations. We need to make home ownership a right, not a privilege.
Using technology to bridge the divide and steering the use of technology to improve, not just increase profit.
We must increase accessibility to create opportunity and parity for society.
We must emphasize the urgency of adoption of new technology to prevent irrelevance and ultimately extinction of those who do not adapt to this rapidly changing landscape.
The Digital Transformation Plan
Revolutionize your approach to residential construction with RCTBuilt's simple three-step process.
Step One
Evaluate your current digital ecosystem for connectivity and flow of data. Too many systems operate siloed platforms that do not contribute to seamless functionality which inhibits the opportunity to generate meaningful incites from your data. Big Data is not just about Data aggregation, it's about making sense of your Data.
Step Two
Education. We all need to understand why innovation is accelerating and the future implications of this acceleration. We can no longer turn a blind eye to the explosion of technology. Leaders must understand what they need to know, and it is a fraction of all that there is to know.
Step Three
Elucidate. What we all need is clarity. Once you understand the implications (especially of late adoption) you can identify where your organization is in the current picture and where you need to get to. We are in this together, collaboration is the key to a collective mindset. Where is your team at in their upskilling journey?
“Technology is best when it brings people together,” and it's true for businesses as well. As an entrepreneur myself, I know how challenging it can be when you're unable to effectively manage your team. Jan 19, 2024
Matt Mullenweg
“Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic”. In 1962, in his book “Profiles of the Future: An Inquiry into the Limits of the Possible”
Arthur C. Clarke
"Digital design is like painting, except the paint never dries."
Neville Brody
Brent Bommes, CEO & Founder
It is not about knowing more, it's about being open to learning more and removing your ego from the equation.
When you begin to contemplate the implications of the acceleration of innovation it can be intimidating, but we need to know that this isn't a can you can kick down the road.
I want to change the current trending trajectory of homelessness. I know it sounds audacious, but we have to try and this must be a collective effort.
The Cost of Falling Behind
The diffusion of innovation is accelerating so fast that catching up is not an option.
Unless we utilize technology to tackle our problems homelessness will continue to rise and affordability will be just a dream of the past.
If we don't embrace technological advancements we will become obsolete.
Failing to plan is planning to fail.
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